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ShowBoat: 17.05.2008 - 'Best Of' ShowBoat: 17.05.2008 - 'Best Of'
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Premiership: Review of the Season
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Premiership: Review of the Season Premiership: Review of the Season
Długość: 57 min | Rozmiar: 125 mb | Jakość: dobra | Credit: Wigan88 Length: 57 min | Size: 125 meters | Quality: good | Credit: Wigan88
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FIFA World Cup 2002 Review Official
FIFA World Cup 2002 Official Review FIFA World Cup 2002 Official Review
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Classics: Premier League 2005-2006
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Klasyka: Premier League 2005-2006 Classics: Premier League 2005-2006
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SOCCER AM - Best of Showboat
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ARCHIVES: World Cup'98 - all goals
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FIFA Futbol Mundial: 14.03.08
Z przyjemnością prezentujemy wam kolejny odcinek piłkarskiego magazynu FIFA Futbol Mundial. Tak jak co tydzień i tym razem w magazynie zawarte zostały wywiady z ludźmi związanymi z futbolem, do tego ciekawe reportaże, wiele unikalnych ujęc video. W dołączonym screenie możecie zobaczyc co ciekawego zostalo zaprezentowane w magazynie. I'm happy to present to you the next section of the football FIFA Futbol Mundial magazine. Just like every week and this time in the store that were interviews with people associated with football, to the interesting reports, a number of unique ujęc video. In an accompanying screenie can see what has been presented in an interesting magazine. Wszystko to w bardzo dobrej jakości. All this in a very good quality.
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FIFA Futbol Mundial: 14.03.08 FIFA Futbol Mundial: 14.03.08
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Premiership: 2003/2004 - Best Of
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Premiership: 2003/2004 - 10 najpiękniejszych bramek Premiership: 2003/2004 - 10 most beautiful goals
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EXTRA: 98 most beautiful goals
Goal Parade - 98 Of The Best Goals In The History Of Football Goal Parade - 98 Goals Of The Best In The History Of Football
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Ricardo Kaka - The Best Technique to Jakub_
Ricardo Kaka - The Best Technique by Jakub_ Ricardo Kaka - The Best Technique to Jakub_
Program: Sony Vegas 7.0 Programme: Sony Vegas 7.0
Czas trwania: 3:45 Duration: 3:45
Rozmiar: 55 MB Size: 55 MB
Muzyka: Linkin Park - No more sorrow Music: Linkin Park - No more sorrow
EXTRA: Champions of Europe - 1955-2005
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EXTRA: Mistrzowie Europy - 1955-2005 EXTRA: Champions of Europe - 1955-2005
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Ricardo Quaresma: parcel clips by Esio
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Ricardo Quaresma: paczka klipów by Esio Ricardo Quaresma: parcel clips by Esio
Celebracje: Celebracje:
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Bramki: Goals:
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EXTRA: Świąteczne package
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EXTRA: Paczki z bramkami EXTRA: Packages with goals
Steven Gerrard – Liverpool, Reprezentacja Anglii (54 bramek) Steven Gerrard - Liverpool, England Representation (54 goals)
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Część 2: | POBIERZ Part 2: | DOWNLOAD
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Cristiano Ronaldo - Manchester United, Reprezentacja Portugalii (56 bramek) Cristiano Ronaldo - Manchester United, Portugal (56 goals)
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Część 2: | POBIERZ Part 2: | DOWNLOAD
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Zlatan Ibrahimovic – Ajax, Inter, Reprezentacja Szwecji (46 bramek) Zlatan Ibrahimovic - Ajax, Inter, Sweden (46 goals)
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Część 2: | POBIERZ Part 2: | DOWNLOAD
Ronaldinho – Barcelona, Reprezentacja Brazylii (49 klipów) Ronaldinho - Barcelona, Brazil (49 clips)
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Juninho Pernambucano- Olympique Lyon, Reprezentacja Brazylii (22 bramki) Juninho Pernambucano-Olympique Lyon, Brazil (22 goals)
Kaka – AC Milan, Reprezentacja Brazylii (49 bramek) Kaka - AC Milan, Brazil (49 goals)
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Frank Lampard – Chelsea, Reprezentacja Anglii (39 bramek) Frank Lampard - Chelsea, England Representation (39 goals)
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Część 2: | POBIERZ Part 2: | DOWNLOAD
Shunsuke Nakamura – Celtic, Reprezentacja Japonii (11 bramek) Shunsuke Nakamura - Celtic, Japan (11 goals)
Wayne Rooney – Everton, Manchester United, Reprezentacja Anglii (74 klipy) Wayne Rooney - Everton, Manchester United, England Representation (74 clips)
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Andriy Shevchenko - a collection of clips
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Sky Sport: 100 bramek Szewczenki w barwach Milanu! Sky Sports: 100 goals in the colours Milanu Shevchenko!
Part 1 >>> Pobierz Part 1>>> Download
Part 2 >>> Pobierz Part 2>>> Download
Sezon 1999/2000 1999/2000 Season
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Debiut Szewy w Chelsea (przeciwko Liverpoolowi) Debut Szewy in Chelsea (v Liverpoolowi)
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The Return of the King by Rafa7 The Return of the King by Rafa7
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EXTRA: A set of brilliant tricków!
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EXTRA: Zestaw genialnych tricków! EXTRA: A set of brilliant tricków!
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Compilation: "The Greatest Four" by Runner
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"The Greatest Four" by Runner "The Greatest Four" by Runner
Długość : 6;55min Length: 6; 55min
Rozmiar : 100mb Size: 100mb
Muzyka : Nike - Put it where you want ; Chemical Brothers - Do it again, Justin Timberlake & Madonna - 4 minutes Music: Nike - Put it where you want; Chemical Brothers - Do it again, Justin Timberlake & Madonna - 4 minutes
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EWC 2008: 5 Didier Drogba by Areq Didier Drogba by Areq
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EWC 2008: 5. EWC 2008: 5 Didier Drogba by Areq Didier Drogba by Areq
Tytuł: Didier Drogba Title: Didier Drogba
Autor: Areq Author: Areq
Długość: 4.51 min Length: 4.51 min
Rozmiar: 90 mb Size: 90 mb
Muzyka: Bullet For My Valentine - Tears don't Fall Music: Bullet For My Valentine - Tears do not Fall
Podziękowania: sic ali cdaman, Maurinho, Esio Credits: sic ali cdaman, Maurinho, Esio
Program: Sony Vegas 6 Programme: Sony Vegas 6
Specjalnie dla: EuroGoal Winter Competition 2008 Especially for: EuroGoal Winter Competition 2008
DOWNLOAD: RapidShare.com | zSHARE.net DOWNLOAD: RapidShare.com | zSHARE.net
OBEJRZYJ: YouTube.com VIEW: YouTube.com
DOCUMENT: Matches in the world derbowe
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Documentary: Football Rivalries (dokument stacji ESPN) Documentary: Football Rivalries (document station ESPN)
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Thierry Henry - 52 goals in European pucharach!
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VIDEO: Soccer nets!
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The Cesc Fabregas Show - announcement
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The Cesc Fabregas Show - zapowiedź The Cesc Fabregas Show - announcement
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Part 2 - Youtube.com | Pliczek.net (upload by przemas) Part 2 - Youtube.com | Pliczek.net (uploaded by przemas)
EURO 2004 Official Review
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EURO 2004 Official Review EURO 2004 Official Review
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Część 2: Part 2:
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